Sunday, March 25, 2012

SWTOR devs attempt to balance the Force through nerfs


Are you eager for a glimpse of Star Wars: The Old Republic's future? It's not only you, I think lots of people want to know some or little information about the game's future.However, the devs have asked that questions focus more on current features in the game, as in many cases they cannot give firm details about what's coming up in SWTOR.
This wasn't an oversight, the devs revealed, but "a purposefully designed weakness in their ability arsenal" to keep them balanced in the game -- especially in PvP.

"Balance" was an answer to another issue as well, specifically the nerfs to some of the healing specs. Lead Combat Designer Georg Zoeller realized that folks were going to rail against it, but the team thought it was necessary: "I know trying to 'sell' a downwards adjustment (AKA nerf) to anyone affected is like selling the need for a tax increase to people. When you are on the receiving end of it, you're not going to be happy about it."

Other questions revolved around rage timers, looping the game's music, cross-faction communication within the same guild, and legacy system specifics.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blizzard and NetEase renew license deal for WoW in China

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World of Warcraft may be bleeding subs in America thanks to newer competition, but don't tell that to Chinese publisher NetEase. The firm just renewed its licensing deal with Blizzard, which will cover localization and operation considers through 2015.

NetEase operates WoW in mainland China (and has since 2009); it also handles Warcraft III, Starcraft II, and distribution duties. notes that the deal was consumated "just ahead of the launch of the fourth WoW expansion, Mists of Pandaria, which is widely regarded as being designed with the Chinese market in mind."

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

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Hurray, I love this event. And I want to let my facebook and Twitter friends know this too.

Monday, March 19, 2012

With 20 million registered users, World of Tanks make double-digit million profits monthly

World of Tanks - French tank
Swagvault New world of Tanks PowerLeveling Service,World of Tanks – Power Leveling 25000 Experience – 20 Hours Only for $28.99 is going through quite a growth spurt, and the company's CEO says it's not just about registered user numbers boosted by freeloading players. "We probably have one of the highest payment ratios in the industry, it's around 25 to 30 percent," Victor Kislyirecently told

Kislyi also offered up some impressive concurrent user numbers for World of Tanks, including 423,000 simultaneous Russian tankers that he said outstrips the entirety of EVE Online's playerbase.

As for the "pay-to-win" rhetoric often found in World of Tanks internet discussions, Kislyi says it is what it is. "For casual gameplay, which most players do most of the time, people don't usually use gold or expendables. Of course if you want to win a tournament, if you're competitive, if you play clan wars, if you want to be at the top, we think it's appropriate to expect a little bit of money from you because you already spent hundreds of hours in our game and that's much more than the value of any $50 box."

ArenaNet confirms Guild Wars 2 beta invites are in progress

Guild Wars 2
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Brooding over your lack of a beta invite for Guild Wars 2? Are you anxiously refreshing your inbox every three seconds on the off-chance that ArenaNet finally came to its senses and opened the door to the best tester in the world (that's you, of course)?

It might help you to know that ArenaNet has indeed begun sending out beta invites for the lucky few who were accepted after the recent 48-hour call to arms. Rubi Bayer confirmed this on Guild Wars 2'sFacebook page:

 "Yes, beta invitations have begun going out. They'll be sent out over the next few days. Please remember that discussing the beta in any way, shape, or form -- including your status in it -- is a breach of NDA. Don't risk your beta access!"

Keep in mind that whether or not you're admitted to this round of beta testing, you can ensure your place in future beta weekends by pre-purchasing the game.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Aion: Ascension and F2P launch date set

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Hang on to your wings! The news that Daevas and Daevas-to-be have been anticipating (and even hedging bets on) has finally arrived: NCsoft just announced that Aion's 3.0 update and free-to-play-conversion will hit North American servers on April 11th, giving folks barely enough time to recover from any chocolate bunny-induced comas.

And if that wasn't enough to set Asmodians and Elyos astir, along with the raised level cap, mounts, streamlined UI, and other assorted goodies previously disclosed, two additional features launching withAscension were revealed: a completely unique microtransaction system (C.U.B.E.) and a personalized in-game guide (the Atreian Atlas).

Aion screenshotMade to order

While the move to F2P didn't really come as a surprise to many, this new transaction model probably will. Though this transition has been long touted as a "Truly Free" business model with all content available, other details about the free-to-play transition have been purely speculative. Today it's official: Aion will not only do away with subscriptions but will have no account tiers or purchase requirements, unlike the previous European model. Instead, envision a buffet-style experience with the new C.U.B.E. system.

C.U.B.E. stands for Customizable User Bundling Experience. Basically, players will be able to purchase a C.U.B.E. (hmm, Shugo-crafted?) from the newly renamed Aion store, the Black Cloud Marketplace, and fill it with their personal selection of goodies. C.U.B.E.s will come in various sizes and prices. As a bonus, players who purchase them will also be awarded extra items; what the items are and how many you get depends on the size of the C.U.B.E. purchased. C.U.B.E.s will be available for pre-purchase on April 4th; all new items will be available for immediate use on April 11th.

I have to say, +5 to NCsoft for working toward giving players what they want. One of the facets of free-to-play that players usually run into -- and dislike -- is having to pay for more than they want just to get the specific features they desire. This new system minimizes, if not eradicates, that worry as players can build a personal game package tailored to their specific needs. Hopefully, these bundles will allow players to pick between instance scrolls, crafting bonuses, and the like to really customize their experience.

Aion screenshotTrail-blazing

Have you decided to take the plunge into Atreia but you don't know where to direct yourself once inside? Cue the Atreian Atlas. Described as an "always on, benevolent, veteran gamer willing to help players," this new in-game guide resembles a personal trainer, offering a customized gaming plan for Daevas. This system takes into account a player's character and playstyle to personalize a path through the game. By keeping track of where players have already been, the Atreian Atlas will be able to map out a personal program detailing upcoming challenges to help Daevas get the most out of their gaming.

The atlas will offer a greater level of information accessible right at players' fingertips, including comprehensive interactive maps, video guides, and the ability to check quest difficulty, assess minimum level requirements, and note any related quests. Information on bosses will also be included to help Daevas be prepared.

Bonus: My hero

Want to be immortalized, your visage splashed across the website and launcher? Aion is looking for its next hero to inspire the incoming troops. If you think you've got what it takes, grab a screenshot of your character in action and enter it in the contest. For a full set of rules and prizes, visit the official site. Submissions will be accepted from now until March 24th, 2012 at 2:59 a.m. EDT. Winners will be announced on or about March 27th.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Trouble got me, help!

I'm depressed, deeply depressed! Worse is, I even don't know how to escape from it. It's true that right now I'm a man with no mind and no thinking, leave a empty body to walk around. 

I've no idea of what I should do right now. I am just so sad and brokenhearted and no one can help me out. I need fresh air and fresh mood, even a fresh life if I can have it. You know, it really feels bad when you suddenly realize that actually you don't know who you are and what do you do. What's even worse is, you don't know what do you want indeed all the time. I have no pursuit no target in my life. I'm lost, totally lost. 

The only person who can help me is still me. The trouble should end it. And I am the one who need to end the trouble. I have to clear my mind first, calm down, then think... keep on thinking...