Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Trouble got me, help!

I'm depressed, deeply depressed! Worse is, I even don't know how to escape from it. It's true that right now I'm a man with no mind and no thinking, leave a empty body to walk around. 

I've no idea of what I should do right now. I am just so sad and brokenhearted and no one can help me out. I need fresh air and fresh mood, even a fresh life if I can have it. You know, it really feels bad when you suddenly realize that actually you don't know who you are and what do you do. What's even worse is, you don't know what do you want indeed all the time. I have no pursuit no target in my life. I'm lost, totally lost. 

The only person who can help me is still me. The trouble should end it. And I am the one who need to end the trouble. I have to clear my mind first, calm down, then think... keep on thinking...

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