Tuesday, March 13, 2012

RIFT's Infernal Dawn raid with new details, screenshots

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Have you ever imagined that if dragons were made of gold? Well, that would be much cooler, of course, I do think so. And, though, Rift has just the instance for you.

Last week we got to know some information of the Earth Wing of RIFT's upcoming raid, Infernal Dawn through a video tour. Now PC Gamer has got some more screenshots and details on the new dungeon, which pits players up against the Golden Maw, the Wanton, and their decidedly daft dragon leaders, Maelforge and Laethys. Laethys, in case we haven't mentioned it yet, is the dragon of earth whose form is composed entirely of delicious gold and precious gems. It's also worth mentioning that this is a dragon whose sacrifice of choice is a pretty boy or girl who has had his or her eyes removed and replaced with rubies. So yeah, may want to take her down ASAP, guys.

Unfortunately, we've still yet to get a look at Maelforge himself, but we're sure Mr. I-want-to-sow-the-seeds-of-discord-and-chaos-everywhere will show his face as the release of Infernal Dawn draws ever closer.

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