Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What an unfortunate bus!

Every morning I take bus to go to work, cuz there is no subway station near my office SwagVault. Taking bus go to work does not bother me at all. What makes me really mad is I have to change a bus. The frist bus I taken always arrives on time, about 7:20am. If I get on at this time, I will definitely have ample time to transfer another bus. But the second bus always arrive one by one. Once I don't get on one of them, I have to wait more than 15 minutes. That really annoy me.
Lat month, I couldn't take the bus timely just because of two of my buses driving away from my currently bus earlier than 1 minute. And that results my late for work. And I got 50 bucks docked. You know what? I was just late for 1 minute. I hate the bus! :(
So right now I decide to rent an apartment near SwagVault. But the rent is a little high. I wish the rent could drop in some extent.

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