Monday, May 30, 2011

Who is the lucky guy to get the free ipad?

Well, since the ipad giving away event started yesterday, so many people started to follow SwagVault on twitter & facebook. This is totally right! Because SwagVault has sent out the first ipad. Wanan know who is the lucky guy? The result will be announced tomorrow on SwagVault FB. SwagVault welcome you all!

Well, guess who will be the lucky guy to win the next ipad?
Absolutely not me. :D I am really out of luck lately. I miss my bus station when I took bus after work.And I lost my bus card this morning! So many things just happend in these days.
But, you, are the lucky ones! :) Follow SwagVault FB & twitter @SVTube. You will be the next lucky guy to get the ipad!



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