Tuesday, July 19, 2011

World of Warcraft Theme Park

I bet you've never seen this world of warcraft theme park before, not to say to visit there. You may saw a Hello-kitty theme shop, you may sew a Disney theme park before. You may wonder is there a real world of warcraft theme park in the whole world? Well, there is a real one. And, it's in China.
Unlicensed World of Warcraft, Starcraft Theme Park Opens in China
OK, let me introduce the park briefly to you! This is a Blizzard theme park divided into two parts: Warcraft and Starcraft. The buildings and the enviroment are all built as the prototype of the real ones in world of warcraft or Starcraft. There are wacraft characters, starcraft characters. Anyway, it's beyond your imagination only if you see it with your own eyes.

Let's enjoy some pictures of this theme park first:

Is it amazing to have a visit to this park?



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