Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Player-Owned Customs Offices come to EVE Online

A new blog post on the CCP / EVE Online official site uncovering a new play-owned customs offices, which purpose is, according to the blog post, to make "planetary taxation a profitable business".

As before, Customs Offices in Low Sec, 0.0 and Wormhole systems are set to be eliminated while those in Hi Sec will remain under the auspices of CONCORD. Also of note is the fact that customs offices are now "targetable". That means corporations have the opportunity to build their own customs office in the orbit of any planet, with players of Station Manager rank able to make any changes to the CO on completion. Only one customs office per planet will be allowed.

Right below is a whole lot more information about how the COs will work, how to protect and reinforce them and more. If you want to know more about it, check all out on EVE Online blog. If you want to buy cheap EVE isk, cheap EVE item, cheap EVE 60 day game time card or customize your powerleveling service, check all out on SwagVault.

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