Friday, December 9, 2011

World of Tanks - The Guinness World Record

World of Tanks

Swagvault New world of Tanks PowerLeveling Service,World of Tanks – Power Leveling 25000 Experience – 20 Hours Only for $28.99
If your hard-won Guinness World Record has to be beaten one day, it's best that you do it yourself.

That seems like's philosophy, as the studio just announced that it's already broken World of Tanks' previously established record for Most Players Online Simultaneously on One MMO Server. 250,000 players crammed onto the game's Russian server simultaneously in November, far outstripping the title's earlier achievement of 91,311.

CEO Victor Kislyi said that its upcoming technology and software upgrades will enable World of Tanks to do even better: "We are more than happy to watch our World of Tanks win over hearts and minds of gamers all around the world. The multicluster technology will enable us to move steadily towards new milestones and records."

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