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Is your Star Wars: The Old Republic loading screen getting a bit stale? Have you always wanted to see your character's mug emblazoned with corporate branding from BioWare, Electronic Arts, and that killer old-school Star Wars font?
Look no further than a cackle-worthy mod recently developed by a Reddit user named ranier511. It's basically a layered Photoshop file, ready and waiting for your avatar's closeup. All you have to do is rename it LoadingScreen.jpg and use it to overwrite the image in your Program files/Electronic Arts/Bioware/Star Wars – The Old Republic/swtor/retailclient/LoadingScreensfolder. PC Gamer has a few examples to get your creative juices flowing, and you'll find the original thread on Reddit.
Look no further than a cackle-worthy mod recently developed by a Reddit user named ranier511. It's basically a layered Photoshop file, ready and waiting for your avatar's closeup. All you have to do is rename it LoadingScreen.jpg and use it to overwrite the image in your Program files/Electronic Arts/Bioware/Star Wars – The Old Republic/swtor/retailclient/LoadingScreensfolder. PC Gamer has a few examples to get your creative juices flowing, and you'll find the original thread on Reddit.
All you have to do is rename it LoadingScreen.jpg and use it to overwrite the image in your Program files/Electronic Arts/Bioware/Star Wars swtor credits swtor credits