Monday, July 4, 2011

I feel tired from my heart!

I heard people were saying that:" XX department are doing useless stuff everyday. We don't see any achievements until now!"

Well, I just wanna say that we do our job without any indolence! The result is good or bad we can't control. And it does not lie on us totally. Everybody thought we are doing idle work. Well, since you do think so, anyone of you can try my position a week or two. Then you can have the right to say such words. You should know that these words really hurt us a lot. We are tring to bring benefit to everyone. But finally, our job is considered as idle.

Everybody has their own position and function in a company. No one can judge other people's responsibility or ability. In whichever position he is, he must has his functions and abilities! All you have to do and you can do is minding your own business well!



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