Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Patch 4.2.2 Official Notes

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.2.2 is now available on all realms! Below you'll find the official patch notes.
Notes for all World of Warcraft patches can be found here.

Table of Contents
  • Dungeons & Raids
  • User Interface
  • Technical

Dungeons & Raids
  • Firelands
    • The visibility of Ragnaros' Dreadflame ability has been increased.
    • The size of Ragnaros' hit box during the final phase of the Heroic encounter has been increased.

User Interface
  • Raid Frames should now remember whether they were shown or hidden upon subsequent logins

  • Players using multiple accounts should now be available to be invited to a Real ID Party.
  • Updating a raid roster while in combat should no longer cause a client crash.
  • Attempts to purchase Arena Season 10 items should no longer sometimes cause a client crash. (Korea Only) 
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