Wednesday, August 31, 2011

EVE Online : New Wiki Beta Makes Its Debut

EVE Online players who know the game inside and out may want to head over to the new and improved beta version of the EVE Online Wiki. Devs have implemented several structural changes as well as removed the moderation queue and more.

EVElopedia and you! I’m thinking most of you will just want somewhere you can go search for a guide on advanced mining techniques, how to be a space ninja, or who are the Goonswarm – I like you people. A lot of you however will want to make new articles or update old ones – I hold you people close to my heart. Some stalwart souls will even want to really get involved and help us develop and progress the EVElopedia – you are my special people.
If you want to help further, how do you do it? We have a volunteer team (named YARR, much to their modest delight) who help us develop, support and moderate the EVElopedia. These guys liaise with you and then talk to us about what you need and require and then we get that implemented (new extension, hate the font size, etc). They happen to be recruiting!

More info

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