Monday, September 19, 2011

Have fun in Brewfest 2011!

Every weekend, my female friends call me to hang out with them. There is one place that we must go, bar. Don't you doubt me here; I am telling you the truth. Only at last weekend, I got drunk, pretty drunk. In a trance state, I met a bunch of strange guy. They dragged me away. They said they wanted to invite me to participate in the Breewfest!

With high heart pounding, sweating, flushed, I was nearly passed out. I try to wake up myself, once, twice, three times…, finally, I opened my eyes. Thank god, it was just a dream! But I might not make me back. And I swear that I would never get so drunk in my life!
However, god is so kind to me. With the time of this year, folks in World of Warcraft, Brewfest 2011 comes to us! I am so happy to hear the news, since warriors can drink drunken again. So do I. I love wines! I want to drink my fill. Ok, let’s get to the point, this year, Brewfest runs from Tuesday, Sept. 20 to Wednesday, Oct. 5. But to make sure, please double triple check your in-game calendar for your server's exact start and end times, and drunken frivolity. And you don’t have to worry about your wife to blame you. Since we are in the fest, no one can stop us drinking. You know, drunken frivolity is the name of the Brewfest.

Well, after this big meal, I am going to get something important to do. Go back to rock and roll in World of Warcraft. I want to work toward the sweet achievement points. I want to get a Violet Proto-Drake. This is the main purpose I participate in the fest. J And I know that I have to complete the four activities before I get that mount:
Brew of the Month
Does Your Wolpertinger Linger?
The Brewfest Diet

If you wanted to get the precious Violet Proto-Drake home, then you have to complete the activities all. I am sure that you can finish this well. What? You want to get the mount at the first time then show off to your friends? So you choose SwagVault to power leveling?

Great choice, and smart decision. Select the power leveling and take a look at SwagVault wow gold stock, the stock always look good!

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