Tuesday, October 11, 2011

EVE Online, Supercapitals & supercarriers under way

This winter, EVE Online will release some long-anticipated ship balancing. Specifically, it’s the capital ship balancing. Finally it’s the time to make a change.

Let’s view briefly the blame and complaits for the stagnant situation. For a long time, there has been an outcry in the community that the fleet flights are stagnating and are just not as fun as they should be. Dozens of hundreds of pages of forum threads are talking about the awkward dilemma, as well as in blogs and articles. And the proliferation of supercapital ships has been roundly criticized in various discourses over the years. As the complaint states: "Supercapitals can effectively deal with any size of target, and killing them takes a tremendous amount of damage. What this means is that with very few exceptions, the fleet with the most supercarriers wins."The issues keep poppoing up, “Supercapitals are too hard to kill”, “Supercarriers are far too versatile” “The Titan superweapon is too powerful” … “Sub-capitals are useless in fleet fights”. Complaints are on fire. This tough situation makes CCP have no choice but to make a change.

Analyzing the issues one by one, then it’s time to develop solutions to solve those problems. So what’s the solution? As a result, EVE team is looking at ways to even the battlefield. Solutions range from reducing the overall shield, armor and hull hitpoints of supercapitals by 20% to "supercarriers will now have a smaller drone bay and will only be able to put fighters and fighter bombers in it." CCP Tallest said, devs plan to make supercapitals "a little bit weaker, but not gut them completely. We're doing a simple 20% reduction in shield, armor, and hull hitpoints on both supercarriers and titans." Those opinions are great. Specifically, there will be more changes for the Titan superweapon, that is the "uselessness" of super-capitals, eliminating the log out as tactic problem and other balance issues. If you want to know the details for planned changes, dreadnoughts, sub-capitals, and the oft-emplyed logoff exploit, you can visit EVE Online official blog.

Only the gradually updated gameplay will bring the best gaming experience for its gamers. Like Tallest said, "We are changing the logoff mechanics in such a way that as long as your enemies are actively engaged in fighting you, logging off is not going to save your ship." When we players are unwilling to logoff the game, this is another time EVE Online can be considered successfully and competitive. As SwagVault, we are always dedicating to find the best way to serve the customers well. With big promotional activity is under way. It will be online soon.  So stay tuned to SwagVault, gain the maximum saving.

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